
30th SEPTEMBER 2014

The Special Court, which convicted Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa and her aides in the disproportionate assets case on Saturday, has issued a direction for the confiscation of around 3,000 acres of land and other properties held by six firms “for and on behalf of Ms. Jayalalithaa.”

On his last day in the city Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered a power pitch on the untapped potential of India’s growth opportunities to the CEOs of 11 preeminent U.S. corporations, telling them that so far as the coal industry was concerned he viewed the Supreme Court’s order cancelling allocations as an “opportunity” for the government to start anew.

O. Panneerselvam, staunch loyalist of AIADMK supremo Jayalalithaa, was sworn in as Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu for a second time on Monday by Governor K. Rosaiah, followed by the induction of other Ministers. The ceremony was emotionally charged with virtually every member of the new Cabinet breaking down.  

Five days after the simmering communal tension in Vadodara led to incidents of arson, vandalism and assault, the police have arrested over a hundred people on the charge of rioting in various parts of the city. There was some let up in violence on Monday. No fresh incident was reported till evening. In all, 115 people have been arrested in areas under the jurisdiction of Panigate, City and Navapura police stations since the trouble began on Thursday last.

Even as the National Judicial Appointments Commission Bill sailed smoothly through the Rajasthan Assembly, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has expressed doubts over it. At least 15 States have to ratify the NJAC Bill before it can be sent for Presidential assent and implemented. The Commission will replace the collegium system and give the executive an equal role in judicial appointments.

The world’s largest passenger aircraft on Monday flew non-stop on the world’s longest route with Qantas, the Australian airlines, launching the A380 between Sydney and Dallas. The plane will fly for almost 16 hours, said Qantas Group CEO Alan Joyce via e mail

U.S.-based real estate firm Hines, on Monday, launched ‘Hines India Residential’ to invest in residential developments in key urban centres of India. The firm, which had entered the Indian real estate market in 2006, has tied up with a global fund to invest $250 million (over Rs.1,500 crore) in various housing projects.

Bajrang accounted for a silver and Narsingh Pancham Yadav won a bronze on Monday to cap off India’s freestyle wrestling competition on a high, with the country earning five medals from the mat, including a gold in the 17th Asian Games.

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