
26th OCTOBER 2014

Pakistan has said that it will continue trade with India despite tensions along the border as no country can improve its external relations without doing business with others. “The vision of our government is that we must trade with our neighbours, including India, despite border tensions,” Commerce Minister Khurram Dastagir said addressing a consultative trade meeting on Friday.

GSAT-16, the next national communications satellite, reached French Guiana this week and is on its way to the space port near Kourou ahead of an early December flight, European launch service company Arianespace has said. The 3,150-kg satellite is scheduled to be flown on an Ariane-5 launcher numbered Flight VA221. Built at the ISRO Satellite Centre in Bangalore, GSAT-16 was sent on a chartered cargo plane to the French Guiana capital of Cayenne.

The Darjeeling Zoo, the highest altitude zoological garden in India, housing rare Himalayan animals such as red panda and snow leopard, has over 200 species of trees, shrubs, climbers, medicinal herbs, fungi and micro flora, says a study.

In a major boost to the Navy, grappling with dwindling submarine strength, the Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) has approved of a proposal to build six conventional diesel-electric submarines indigenously. The project cost has been estimated at Rs. 50,000 crore.

Technology giant Google is teaming up with Oxford University to advance research on artificial intelligence to ultimately enable machines to better understand human users. The partnership will focus specifically on the fields of image recognition and natural language, Demis Hassabis, vice president of engineering at Google, wrote on the Google Europe Blog. Hassabis is also the co-founder of DeepMind, a UK-based company that Google acquired in January. Google DeepMind will be working with two of Oxford’s cutting edge artificial intelligence research teams. Google has also hired seven co-founders of the two artificial-intelligence groups, which had also formed startups, ‘’ reported.

Ace India shuttler Saina Nehwal crashed out of the French Open Super Series after going down to World No. 2 Shixian Wang of China in a hard-fought quarterfinal contest on Friday. Seeded fifth, Saina posed quite a challenge to her Chinese rival but in the end it was a case of so near yet so far for the Indian who lost 19-21, 21-19, 15-21. The battle lasted an hour and 10 minutes.

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