
24th OCTOBER 2014

The proposal for the elevated Light Metro, meant for Thiruvananthapuram and Kozhikode, will be placed before the board of Kerala Monorail Corporation Ltd. (KMCL) that meets here on Friday. The KMCL board, chaired by Chief Minister Oommen Chandyis all set to give approval for the Detailed Project Report of the Rs.6,728-crore project prepared by Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) in place of the scrapped monorail.

The Kerala Police have launched a toll-free helpline (1099) for the public to seek police help in bringing accident victims to hospital. The decision was taken at a meeting convened by Home Minister Ramesh Chennithala on the basis of the huge response to his Facebook post on accidents.

The Sukhoi fleet has been temporarily grounded following the latest crash involving a Su-30MKI near Pune, a Defence Ministry release said. “A Court of Inquiry is in progress.

After first proving his mettle as an IAS officer of the Gujarat cadre and then as the Chief Election Commissioner, N. Gopalaswami will now wear a new hat: that of chairman of the Chennai-based ‘Kalakshetra,’ the institution founded by Rukmini Devi Arundale to nurture India’s artistic traditions.

In 22 October 1964, Jean-Paul Sartre turned down the Nobel prize for literature.

Iran on Saturday hanged a woman (Reyhaneh Jabbari) convicted of murdering a former intelligence officer she claimed had tried to sexually assault her, defying international appeals for a stay on execution.

Google provided a sneak peek into Bhutan on Thursday by unveiling a Street View project for the remote Himalayan kingdom, featuring panoramic views of its majestic mountains, monasteries and crystal-clear rivers. The “Land of the Thunder Dragon” has long been one of the most isolated countries on earth, only lifting its ban on television in 1999.

The Chairman of Tesco, the world’s second-biggest retailer behind Walmart, announced his resignation on Thursday amid an accounting scandal in which the company admitted it had overstated its projected profits. Richard Broadbent said he would step down once a successor was found while the company confirmed its financial troubles continued, with a 99 per cent drop in first-half net income.

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