
22nd SEPTEMBER 2014

With the Union government withdrawing the “political clearance” granted to it, a high-profile Chinese media delegation has cancelled its trip to attend an Observer Research Foundation conference here on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The External Affairs Ministry on Sunday denied reports attributing the revoking of clearance to India’s displeasure at the ongoing stand-off between the forces of the two countries in the Chumar sector of Jammu and Kashmir, and cited “technical issues and shortage of time.

Think green:Australian environment campaigners form a human chain message‘Beyond Coal + Gas’ in a park in Sydney on Sunday as part of an international day of action to fight climate change, ahead of a United Nations summit in New York next week. A similar march was scheduled to be held in New York later in the day

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s first address on the world stage at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) will be followed by several meetings of international and regional importance. Even officials are trying to work out a schedule for a possible meeting between Mr. Modi and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the UNGA.

Cargo handling at Mangalore International Airport will be partly privatised before Mach next and goods will be handled at a building close to the terminal building at Kenjar. The Airports Authority of India (AAI) has planned to privatise the entire cargo handling at the airport in due course of time. It is to attract more cargo by exempting the private agency from paying royalty to the AAI for two years.

As civic authorities grapple with the task of solving Bangalore’s enormous garbage problem, some concerned Bangaloreans are leading the way for a solution. With innovative yet simple waste management practices in their homes, localities and communities.

Potential investors considering investing in the capital region of Andhra Pradesh are in for a shock as the realty market around Vijayawada is competing with that of California, in the U.S. Added to the existing rush is the proposed 26 km metro rail project by the metro man E. Sreedharan, which is all set to catapult the market price further.

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